Utility Coatings

What are Utility Coatings?

Utility coatings are powder coatings comprised of mixed chemistries and/or mixed colors for a utility purpose, for example, a drawer coating, fencing, racking, under desks, or non visual applications.

Utility Coatings

How are Utility Coatings made?

We will combine multiple materials together to create a new coating. It is a functional, non visual coating.

The Benefits of Remanufacturing Powder into Utility Coatings

  • Very low cost
  • Sustainable with recycled content
  • Great performance properties


How easy is it to recycle your material? The easier to recycle, the lower the cost and the more you save!

Easy Recyclability

  • Single Chemistry
  • Single Color
  • Single Supplier
  • Larger Volume

Difficult Recyclability

  • Mixed Chemistries
  • Mixed Colors
  • Multiple Suppliers
  • Smaller Volume

Frequently Asked Questions

Have additional questions?

We determine the recyclability of your overspray through our Material Assessment. This acts as a catalyst and provides us with your materials chemistries, volumes, SDS & TDS, packaging methods, and how we can best help provide you with the correct recycling program.

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Innovate Your Company’s Sustainability Solution

The Benefits of Partnering with Surplus Coatings


Environmental Impact

  • Sustainability through landfill avoidance
  • Lower Carbon Footprint
  • Circular Economy
  • Cradle to Cradle
  • Regulatory Advantage in the Marketplace

Economic Impact

  • Lower Cost Raw Materials
  • Landfill Cost Avoidance
  • Increased Margins
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Get Increased Value Out of Raw Materials

Start Your Journey to Sustainability & Savings

Whether you are an applicator or a manufacturer, sustainability is at your fingertips. We are here to help you be a part of your company’s and customers’ sustainability solutions.

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